For Donors!

We occasionally experience delightful moments when we do receive a pat on our back, letters/communications/phones full of appreciations and good & positive suggestions. It is heartening, when we receive suggestions for accepting contributions from some of our brethren for bringing out the information, along with the names of Karhaadaa Personalities under their respective field of human activities. Years together, we are running this, without asking for a penny from our brethren. Only the help was sought after, providing with information about the known personalities along with their photographs etc. As the community people are spread all over India right from historical periods and since even they wish to have the information about our community, together it was thought proper to bring it in book form. This reached some ears and people started referring to this website. The Karhaadaas residing in South India have given this website the status of "global website for Karhaadaas"!

The team had given serious considerations for bringing out the book by this year end, and as per our present calculations, the expenditure for this project would be approximately Rs. 1,40,000/-. This includes the publishing of photographs and printing will be on quality paper.

The minimum the number of donors, easier will it be to meet such people and manage the business. It would be hence proper to expect that the people approaching us for donating for this noble cause, should come forth with offering minimum Rs. 10,000/- or more. We do not think it is a high expectation in present days. We have already received assurances about some of the part amounts of this expenditure.

Those who want to contribute this expenditure could write to us at

The people who are contributors for this project will have the right to express their opinion in pricing the book and making suggestions for managing the amount thus received through the book transactions etc.

We request our people that they should give top-most priority in providing for this project the photographs of eminent Karhaadaa people. Prior to sending these photographs to us, please take utmost care with 100% confirmation that the photograph is of the intended person; as many Karhaadaa personalities are seemingly identical.

As the day of publishing the matter is approaching closer, we request our brothers and sisters to kindly take pains in providing us with information of their near & dear ones.

Request to all Karhade people

By Awadhoot R. Hardikar
April 2012


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